Saturday, December 06, 2008

2008 Christmas Concert

Jacqui played beautifully (as did the entire symphony) at this year's Christmas concert. Here are a few pics from the evening, including Clayton's amazing levitation. To see larger versions of each image, just click on them. The full symphony shot is better if you see the larger version. Most of these were taken in dim lighting with no flash, so the larger versions are a bit better.


Gene said...

Looks like everyone had a good time. Nice pics of Jacqui and her comrades. As for Clayton, the only thing that comes to mind are those infamous words of SNL's church lady, "now isn't that special".

This was an enjoyable post Patrick.

debby said...

I hope I get to go to one of Jacqui's symphonies one day. And I hope to see Clayton levitate in person, too! He could be the next David Blaine!