Thursday, January 01, 2009

Photo of the day - January 1, 2009

Ok...I am not sure how long this will last, but I'm going to give it a try. The goal: Take a picture a day, and post it. I may not always get to actually post each day, but the photos will actually be taken every day, for the next 365 days. We'll see. Here's the first one:


The Family of Logo said...

I have a photographer friend who tried this last year, she lasted 36 day, lets see if you can beat her record! HAHA!

Ash said...

You can do it! I'm trying again this year. I need to put a little sign by my computer to remember to do it every day. The hard part for me would be remembering to take my camera outside the house.

Ryan A. said...

i was thinking of doing the same thing. ha ive already failed, but its never too late i suppose.
