Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pic of the Day - January 18, 2009


The Family of Logo said...

WOW! Who is that handsome guy?

Anonymous said...



Ryan A. said...

you know what my favorite part of pic of the day is?

i actually check it everyday and hope that you didn't skip, and you haven't yet, so good on ya.

my 2nd favorite part?

you write "pic of the day - today's date" even though the date is already stamped at the top of your entry.

Patrick Jinks said...

Yes Ryan, I manually enter the date for a good reason....The date at the top of the entry is the date I posted the pic. The date I manually put in is the date I actually TOOK the picture. They may not always be the same date, though they usually are. I figure if I just get into the habit, I'll never mess up! You are one detail-oriented person -- but so am I!

Anonymous said...

That's my boy! (I don't know where he gets it.)